


  • HD720P韩语



  • 有人在看 誰かが、見ている 高清
    有人在看 誰かが、見ている

    香取慎吾 / 稻垣吾郎 / 佐藤二朗 / 山本千寻 / 长野里美 / 宮澤エマ / 夏木真理 / くっきー / 西田敏行 / 高岛政宏 / 寺岛进 / 山谷花纯 / 近藤芳正 / 松冈茉优 / 橋本マナミ / 八岛智人 / 小日向文世 / 大竹忍 / 新川优爱 / 小池荣子 / 三谷幸喜、

  • 我喜欢性感的女人2 HD720P韩语



《我喜欢性感的女人2》是属于伦理电影类型,演员主要是香取慎吾上野树里西田敏行,主要剧情/介绍/评论Fashion designer Soo-yeon (Seol Hyo-joo) is an attractive andtalented as well as sexy woman who is always working and doesn’t care formarriage. Then one day she suggests to her boyfriend, Cheon Tae-pyeong (BaekGeon-sik), to live together on a contract. She writes down the conditions of acontract that involves the fact that they sleep together once a week. Then oneday, Yoon Min-woo, a wealthy plutocrat who used to be Soo-yeon’s boyfriend,shows up and he tells her he wants to start over with her. She hides the factthat she’s living with Tae-pyeong and dates Min-woo. Tae-pyeong soon sensessomething’s up when Soo-yeon starts arriving home late and refuses to have sex.Soon after, Soo-yeon breaks up with Tae-pyeong and asks Min-woo to marry her,but she can’t help but feel something missing inside her…