堕落街 第一季海报剧照

《堕落街 第一季》推荐同类型的欧美电视剧

《堕落街 第一季》同主演作品


《堕落街 第一季》是属于欧美电视剧类型,演员主要是JanaMcKinnon莱娜·乌泽多夫斯基米开朗基罗·福尔图齐LeaDrindaJeremiasMeyer布鲁诺·亚历山大塞巴斯蒂安·乌泽多夫斯基安杰丽娜·汉奇贝恩德·霍尔谢尔ValerieKochGerhardLiebmann尼克·谢里拉杰TonioArangoStellaBrücknerDimitrijSchaadFranzSchmidtHeideSimonHildegardSchmahl,主要剧情/介绍/评论The series is a modern and contemporary interpretation, inspired by the gripping memoirs of Christiane F. and follows six young people who fight vehemently and uncompromisingly for their dream of happiness. They are not victims, but young, brave and strong and their story is absolutely touching and stirring.